Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I had a three week holiday because i was sick the last week of the term and the normal holidays.
on a saturday my sister and her crew came over from whakatane to get some fire wood. Then on Tuseday i went to Auckland for three days. when we got to auckland we were looking for some were to stay so it took us half an hour to look for some were to stay. we went to a gas shop and aksed for derections. so the person at the desk told us that there was a motel by rainbows end so we stayed ther the to night. by our motel there was a gas station, a restraunt called gengs, kfc, old movie place, a rnb bar, vallentines, shooping centre and a dinah called dennys.
the next day we went to rainbows end at ten therty we went on all the rides but the cars and the power surge cous it was to wet. before we went home at 2.oo we had lunch and watched a magic show . the next day we put all our gear in the car and went to deenys for brecfast i had bacon sausage picklets milkshakr and a ice cream at 10.00 then we went home

the end

Monday, June 22, 2009

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast is indeed a very important meal. A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the day.

In general, kids who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day. Without breakfast, kids can get irritable, restless, and tired. So make time for breakfast — for you and your child!

my class

Monday, June 8, 2009

me myself an i

Hi my name is Anahera and I go to kaitao intermediate. I like to play sports like netball, basketball and touch. my friends are Diane, Kaz, Jana, Morgan,Nevada, Paige, Rangitahi plus a lot more.
I'm in kapa haka, choir and was in stage challenge. i play netball and newts to play basketball for the team but some of my relatives didn't like the coach.
my fave colour is pink and blue.
my fave food is chocolate and caramel ice cream with chocolate chips.
my fave cousin is Jodeci who lives in Australia.